Sometimes it makes me laugh when I think about how our children test us. When we were younger, we didn't dare test our parents. We used to get hit with a switch. I'm big about discipline, but I'm not much of a spanker. I do spank her, but once in a blue moon. I believe that taking away privileges is more effective.
So, we were at the pizza place and my 5 year old was so hyper. I told her to sit down, but it seemed like she had ants in her pants. After three times, I finally told her she was punished and would not have TV privileges for the rest of the day. I guess she thought she would act out. This was her refusing to sit down. I found myself telling her the same thing my mother used to say "Just wait til we get home". I couldn't help, but laugh on the inside. She knew I was serious and sat down. Our kids definitely know how far to take it.
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