Let's face it ladies, we all get our periods. Not a topic we like to discuss, but it happens. Every month, we know it's coming whether we like it or not. Unless of course, we are unexpectedly pregnant. I'm both a pad and tampon user. I can only handle tampons about 4 days then I have to switch to pads, but that's just me. Of course, I prefer tampons. Who doesn't? They're mess free and more comfortable. They offer much more protection. I recently started using o.b Pro Comfort tampons and I'm pretty impressed.
Protection- I've used o.b before and they've always offered good protection. It has fluid lock grooves which is probably why it's so absorbent.
Comfort- they feel pretty comfortable. You almost forget you're using one. Of course it'd be a lie if I said I didn't feel them.
Application- they have a silk touch cover that's smooth. It allows easy insertion and removal. No plastic applicators either. It may take you practice, but it's quite easy.
Besides all that, they're small and discreet. What really makes them stand out is the fact that they don't have plastic applicators. No more having to throw anything in the trash. Not only that, but they're so small. They literally fit in your pocket or coin purse. My new go to tampons.
*Free samples received via Crowdtap. Opinions based on my personal experience.
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