A Brighter Area

  I live on an acre of land in a wooded area. It gets pretty dark out there and solar lights really come in handy. I really wanted solar powered spotlights to brighten up our walkway. This LED spotlight is just what I was looking for.

This image is a courtesy of Amazon product listing

  It is very lightweight, but really holds up. Even in bad weather, it has stood the test. Its so easy to install. No wiring is required. You simply let it charge for 8 hours at first. How great is it that no electricity is required. All it needs is sunlight. After the 8 hours of charging, I pushed the peg down in the grass and that was it. Night time came around and I had a nice, bright light. It's wireless, waterproof and solar-powered. All a big plus. The LED makes it really bright. I'm happy with this spotlight. 

LED solar powered spotlight received at little or no cost for my honest and unbiased review.
